CGG's Stratimagic plugs and plays with Charisma (July 1998)

CGG-Petrosystems' Stratimagic seismic interpretation plug-in now shares data with Schlumberger-GeoQuest's Charisma seismic interpretation system using CORBA-based technology.

Stratimagic was introduced last year as a specialized seismic stratigraphy based interpretation plug-in for Landmark's SeisWorks (see PDM Vol. 2 No. 1). CGG-Petrosystems, the software division of Compagnie Generale de Geophysique (CGG), has now announced that the upcoming release of Stratimagic will feature links to GeoQuest's Charisma seismic databases. Stratimagic can now handle data from the two industry-leading seismic interpretation environments in addition to Integral Plus, CGG-PetroSystems' own-brand integrated workstation. "Since your seismic data is already loaded into your interpretation system, it is logical to expect cutting-edge software to have direct access to it, avoiding redundant storage and tedious data reading activities", says Marc Philton, Marketing Manager at CGG-Petrosystems. CGG claims sales of well over 100 Stratimagic licences in the 14 months following product launch. Based on the Sismage technology developed by Elf Aquitaine, Stratimagic is the first commercial software package to offer neural-net seismic facies classification, allowing for "a robust and proven process in the characterization of reservoir property variations".


CGG-Petrosystem's is developing data access links for all its interpretation software portfolio, using the industry-leading Orbix product developed by Iona Technologies, which embodies the CORBA distributed object standard. This allows for direct network access to remote databases with little or no performance drops, and without resorting to NFS disk mounts. Currently in preparation is the link giving access to GeoQuest's IESX seismic databases." CGG are a sponsor of the OpenSpirit consortium and will adopt the results of this initiative when they become available in a commercial version.


Phil Neri, Stratimagic product manager told PDM "There are strong market pressures on products such as Stratimagic to inter-operate with other vendors' products as soon as possible. This requires good performance on large datasets which has made us continue our own efforts to implement CORBA links using our own development resources. This activity is performed by a team that is independent from both the staff that we have placed in the OpenSpirit team, and our shadow group here in Massy that follows OpenSpirit progress". Neri further elaborated on the relationship with the POSC RFT by saying "Our CORBA links were developed with a close eye on the POSC model, and are mapped to Epicentre. This was however a standard production software exercise, and did not involve our POSC unit and RFT activity. In a nutshell, this is a development that is independent from OpenSpirit and the POSC RFT activities within Petrosystems". More information from

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