Amoco makes world-wide purchase of GeoQuest's OilField Manager (July 1998)

Amoco Corporation and GeoQuest have signed a 'worldwide enhanced supplier agreement' to facilitate the introduction of GeoQuest's OilField Manager (OFM) software application into all Amoco business units.

Amoco have purchased a suite of OFM licenses which will be deployed in asset teams worldwide for use by engineers and technologists in Amoco's E&P divisions. OFM is a production and reservoir management database application for Windows 95/NT-based computing platforms. By standardizing on OFM, Amoco will be able to meet several different production and oilfield data management requirements resulting in better management of oil and gas assets. "Amoco offers OFM as part of its core engineering application portfolio," says Greg Grotke, technical computing coordinator for Amoco's Technical Computing Solutions group. GeoQuest participated with the Amoco Technical Computing Solutions group in an introductory tour to give the Amoco business units the opportunity to view the core engineering applications.

PA to go

The worldwide tour provided an introduction of the software capabilities and how these will assist engineers and technologists in their reservoir assessments. This is being followed with specific technical demonstrations, training and data migration validation before OFM is fully implemented. "We have shared business goals, which includes replacing Production Analyst (PA) with OFM and to ensure customer satisfaction" said George Steinke, vice president of Business Development for GeoQuest. After Amoco's $30 million investment last year in Landmark software (PDM Vol 2 N° 7), the addition of OFM will bring some interesting interoperability issues. Could be that Landmark's adoption of COM/DCOM (PDM Vol. 3 N° 1 and 3) as the basis for their interoperability strategy has opened up a new interoperability route to the Windows environment of OFM.

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