WellXchange provides a Windows NT-based tool that gives GeoGraphix and Landmark users the capability to move well data between GES97 and OpenWorks 4.1. GES97 is described as "the industry-leader in PC-desktop mapping, data management, and analysis software for the exploration and production industry". GES97 enables users to integrate all forms of geologic data, including cartographic, well, production, and seismic data into an extensive mapping, surface modeling, 3D, and final presentation environment. "Our goal is to provide our worldwide customers with the broadest range of scalable solutions across the complexity spectrum," said Landmark president, Bob Peebler. WellXchange allows users to transfer project data across the spectrum of the tools provided by GeoGraphix and Landmark.
No more ASCII
"WellXchange is a Windows NT program that eliminates both manual ASCII and FTP data transfers across PC and UNIX platforms," explains David Hicks, Senior Vice President of Development at GeoGraphix. "WellXchange benefits geologists who pick tops in GES and need to share them with geophysicists using SeisWorks. It also aids StratWorks users who wish to map well data in GES."
GeoGraphix have also announced the release of version 4.0 of SeisVision, a 2D/3D seismic interpretation and mapping system for the PC desktop. Version 4.0 adds three new interpretation tools: SynView, an interactive planimeter tool, and a 3D Fault View.
SynView is an interactive synthetics generation and correlation tool that lets users generate synthetics from sonic logs and correlate the synthetics to the seismic section in real time. The time/depth series and the correlated synthetic may be automatically updated in the seismic views and the SeisVision database.
The 3D Fault View allows users to correlate faults faster and easier with improved accuracy. The tool allows users to correlate faults in a 3D perspective. The viewer displays fault planes, fault segments, and wells. Users may rotate the view and reassign the segments, or open the seismic line to an optimum position for editing. The 3D view is designed to be totally interactive, and all changes made to the fault may be automatically updated in the database.
Version 4.0 also provides a planimeter tool that calculates acreage by digitizing an area on a map. SeisVision version 4.0 has adapted a new and improved security system that is designed to allow users to run the program in a network or a standalone environment. All of the new functions of SeisVision 4.0 are included in the base-price of the package. More information from GeoGraphix on http://www.geographix.com.
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