Following Common Data Access' adoption of CGG-PECC's PetroVision data management system, the UK Government's Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has selected the same product to act as an information hub in a variety of roles. In the short term, PetroVision will be deployed as a web server allowing oil companies to access data stored in the DTI's legacy data store OGIS. Data extraction from OGIS will be performed using Oilfield Systems DAEX software.
Web interface
The data extracted will be then stored on an isolated web server running PetroVision, and will be accessed by third parties through Oracle web software. Data will be presented as a POSC ASCII file or as a mapping to POSC - again via DAEX software. Currently, the available data is limited to well header information as the technology is tested. The system will be augmented later following consultation with industry. The website also hosts all the DTI data definitions and data mappings from OGIS to POSC. Working with the DTI on this project are CGG's subsidiary PECC, Oilfield Systems and Cap-Gemini. The website, should be going live next month.
CDA hook-up
The second use for PetroVision is as a staging post within the DTI for data destined for export to the UK's national data repository Common Data Access (CDA). The DTI will write DAEX routines in and out of PetroVision to help CDA keep all the indices up to date with public domain data. This same technology will also be used if CDA develops to store other data sets such as Deviation or Production data.
Window on world
A third, longer term objective is to move to two way digital data exchange for much of the data that is currently reported to the DTI on paper. PetroVision is destined to be the window on the oil industry world that will allow this goal to be realized. This project is a logical extension of the work above. It requires all of the data exchanges to be defined in POSC terms and will involve extensive liaison and discussion. Ultimately the DTI intends to port all legacy applications and data to the PetroVision system which will then become the DTI corporate data store.
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