It will be a crowded office by the sound of things, with the following inmates -
Jean Christophe Fueg, currently vice president of Petroconsultants, is promoted to president of PIDP's Geneva operation.
Keith Neal, currently managing director of PID's UK subsidiary, is promoted to executive vice president in charge of PID/Petroconsultants' sales and marketing outside of North America. Neal will also continue as head of PI (Erico), the group's UK operation.
Dave Noel, previously executive vice president of PID, is President of Worldwide Technology and Product Development for PIDP.
David Richard, current president of PID's Canadian subsidiary, is now President of PIPD's combined North American Operations.
Mark Rose, currently senior vice president in charge of PID's Legacy and Business Archives operations, is also promoted to executive vice president in charge of US sales and marketing. In a parallel move within the Petroconsultants' organization, Dale Pennington, previously vice president of sales and marketing is understood to have been ousted. Meyer also confirmed the retirement of Christian Suter, CEO of Petroconsultants, later this month. Meyer said Suter "played a key role in our recent acquisition of PI/Dwights. I look forward to continuing a close working relationship with Christian, who will continue to assist IHS Group as chairman emeritus of the combined PIDP group."
Miles Baldwin, VP of Corporate Development with IHS told PDM that the move to "virtual office" of the CEO was a key part in IHS's strategy. IHS is giving selected domain specialists from different subsidiaries group-level responsibility for policy. This will allow IHS to implement, for instance, a homogenous IT policy throughout the group, built on the best practices of each of the subsidiaries. Baldwin continued "We are excited about the new management of our Energy Information Group. We feel that the Internet has changed the way the information handling business operates, and that we are ready to reap the benefits of these innovations. The management changes are going to leverage the knowledge of all of our subsidiaries and will optimize the synergy of our acquisitions".
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