Demos will be conducted by engineers from Chevron Corporation and PrismTech and are targeted at both interpreters (end users) and application developers. The demos will include:
Multi-Well Cross-Plot - that run on UNIX and PC.
Log Browsing Applet - a simple web-deployed log browser.
Surface Operations - an illustration of a 'virtual' application that uses a third-party module in conjunction with existing Landmark or GeoQuest applications. Performs surface processing and seismic attribute analysis and display; works with IESX and SeisWorks via CORBA servers.
Rapid - a simple seismic viewer that shows high performance display of successive slices through a 3D volume; accesses IESX and SeisWorks data via CORBA servers.
Well Data Access from Excel - an Excel spreadsheet with macros to allow the direct access of well data (e.g. well headers, well picks) via a CORBA well object server (shows CORBA/ActiveX integration and links to MSOffice applications).
The new OpenSpirit Special Interest Group (OSIG) web pages have now also gone live and are located at: OSIG membership costs just $ 1000 per annum per company site. More from
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