OpenSpirit demos and forms SIG (May 1998)

OpenSpirit, the prime respondent to the POSC interoperability RFT will be exhibiting and demonstrating software at the 60th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition between 8-12 June in Leipzig, Germany

Demos will be conducted by engineers from Chevron Corporation and PrismTech and are targeted at both interpreters (end users) and application developers. The demos will include:

Multi-Well Cross-Plot - that run on UNIX and PC.

Log Browsing Applet - a simple web-deployed log browser.

Surface Operations - an illustration of a 'virtual' application that uses a third-party module in conjunction with existing Landmark or GeoQuest applications. Performs surface processing and seismic attribute analysis and display; works with IESX and SeisWorks via CORBA servers.

Rapid - a simple seismic viewer that shows high performance display of successive slices through a 3D volume; accesses IESX and SeisWorks data via CORBA servers.

Well Data Access from Excel - an Excel spreadsheet with macros to allow the direct access of well data (e.g. well headers, well picks) via a CORBA well object server (shows CORBA/ActiveX integration and links to MSOffice applications).

The new OpenSpirit Special Interest Group (OSIG) web pages have now also gone live and are located at: OSIG membership costs just $ 1000 per annum per company site. More from

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