The OpenSpirit Alliance (Alliance) - see PDM Vol 2 N° 11 - is a consortium of oil companies and E&P software vendors sponsoring the design and development of the OpenSpirit E&P Component Framework (OpenSpirit) application-independent middleware which will enable plug-and-play integration of E&P software applications and datastores. It is intended that this Framework will become the de-facto industry standard for E&P business object middleware. The Alliance has selected PrismTech as its development and marketing partner for OpenSpirit.
Special Interest Group
In order to ensure that Oil Company and other developers can benefit from the OpenSpirit Framework, PrismTech has created the OpenSpirit Special Interest Group (OSIG).
Membership of the OSIG offers many advantages including early access to the OpenSpirit software through a pre-release (beta) program. OSIG membership costs just US$1,000 per annum per company site. More info from
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