Meetings and Courses (March 1998)

More diary dates from PNEC, PPDM and PESGB

19 April 1998, Houston. One day introduction to the Geoshare Transfer Standard - from fundamental concepts through hands-on construction of Geoshare halflinks and filters. Basic requirements for data storage and transfer of exploration and production data with practical considerations -- i.e.: data size, transfer-speed, and handling of incomplete data -- are covered. The course instructor is Bill Sumner of Independent Consulting Services. More info from Philip C. Crouse (1) 214 841-0046 and

20-22 April 1998, Houston. 2nd International Conference on Petroleum Data Integration and Management. PDM attended this one last year and found it a best of breed data management conference. Also one of the best attended. More info from Philip C. Crouse (1) 214 841-0046 and

23 April 1998, Houston. PPDM Members Forum - more info from PPDM on (1) 403 660-7817 and or

24 April 1998, Houston. The Public Petroleum Data Model (PPDM) Overview Course. This course has been given 14 times over the last three years PDM attended in 1996 and found it an excellent introduction to the PPDM model and organization. More info from or contact Yogi Schulz, Corvelle Management Consultants on (1) 403 249-5255,

5 May 1998, London. Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain (PESGB) Data Management Seminar. A one day-information packed seminar. Contact Mark Wilson on (44) 181 749 7500, email or visit the PESGB Website on

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