The URGENT project is an European Commission funded venture intended to "help the IT industry produce better software for E&P line professionals" or alternatively to define "the impact of radical business and technological innovations on the key processes for valuing asset portfolios (prospects, reserves)". All of which is to be achieved by a heady mixture of Business Process Reengineering and Role and Interaction Modeling as a preamble to the application of Business Object technology to a Shared Earth Model. The meeting intends to :
propose how E&P companies business processes will change over the next 5 years.
Give guidance on the types of IT/IS products and services that will be required to support these new ways of working, and point out some of the deficiencies of current solutions on the market.
Seek YOUR input on these proposals.
Members of the URGENT Project Team, come from Agip, Norsk Hydro, Statoil, PDS, Paras, The Information Store and TNO. Preliminary results from the URGENT project suggest that " 2010, prospects will be fully explored with a single well, and exploration and production will be a single integrated process ..." More info from
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