In addition to the state of the art methods developed by Dr. M. Al-Chalabi, the more traditional techniques of kriging, kriging with external drift and cross-plotting with regression methods are now available. A direct link to Landmark's OpenWorks has been created to enable well data to be easily accessed. A similar link to Geoframe will be released shortly. Mark Beasley, Software Division Manager commented "These enhancements will enable existing velocity models to be rapidly compared to a robust VELIT analysis. This approach allows the user to benefit from the advantages of ail velocity modeling techniques and derive a velocity model that depth converts interpreted horizons with far greater confidence than has been possible to date." More info from
New Department
Scott Pickford have appointed Harry McPhail as Head of Petroleum Engineering at the new Petroleum Engineering Department, based in Croydon UK. McPhail brings over 30 years of Petroleum Engineering experience to the company, having worked for a number of oil companies including Amoco and Mobil, as well as many years as an independent consultant. John Kendal has been appointed Senior Reservoir Engineer. Kendal has joined the company from PGS Reservoir, ERC and was previously with British Gas for six years.
North Sea Lithology
Finally Scott Pickford has just announced the production of the latest Interpreted Lithology Project covering the UKCS Quadrants adjacent to the UKCS/Norway Median Line. The Median Line UKCS/Norway Interpreted Lithology Project (MEDIL) continues the series of Scott Pickford Interpreted Lithology Projects covering various exploration areas offshore North West Europe, offering clients the opportunity to acquire detailed digital interpreted lithology files in workstation ready formats for project use. The latest phase covers the southern part of UKCS Quadrant 3 and Quadrants 4, 9, 15 and 16 and offers a database of 104 released wells. With the current high level of exploration interest in Tertiary targets on the margin of the Viking Graben, Witch Ground Graben and Fladen Ground Spur and adjoining areas the MEDIL Project provides an ideal interpretative dataset for companies wishing to study, correlate and review reservoir geometry in wells over the subject areas at the workstation.
Digital data
These projects offer clients the opportunity to acquire the digital lithology files for wells in the subject project areas. The deliverables of these projects are the digital coded lithology files, typically identifying the depth to top and base of a unit over which all aspects of the lithological interpretation are constant. The digital file format for the coded lithology data remains flexible with a wide range of workstation formats being supported. The lithological interpretation is performed utilizing both hard copy and digital log data on proprietary Scott Pickford Litholog software. Scott Pickford perform a consistent, detailed lithological interpretation for the entire logged interval in each well. This ensures that, as new play models develop, all zones of interest are covered in the original work. The resolution of the interpretation is as high as log sampling rates will permit. This data can be used in ongoing regional interpretative work. The concept of the projects are simple: the less time exploration staff spend performing this fundamental project building exercise, the more time they will have available for addressing the technical aspects of their studies. The Medil Project is complimented by Scott Pickford's Digital Norwegian Well Lithology Project (DNWSD) which covers 864 wells drilled on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. More info from
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