Details of the internal release to members were already covered in PDM Vol. 2 N° 10. PPDM Chairman, David Fisher, said, "Version 3.4 is a major step forward in terms of content, documentation, and industry acceptance. Designed and evaluated by people who use it in their business, the PPDM Model delivers real value for member companies." The Association's Co-Executive Director, Melvin Huszti added, "Version 3.4 expansion of the well, production, seismic and land data, has positioned the Model to support integration of both technical and regulatory reporting information. Our new comprehensive documentation, combined with increased testing throughout the model development process, has made it even easier to understand and take up the Model."
Commenting on the progress of PPDM, Dr. Charles Ivey, CEO of Petroleum Information/Dwights, said: "The PPDM data modeling effort is of enormous value to our industry. PPDM has indeed become the working standard for oil and gas companies. We will continue to support this standard and those customers who use it because it is the future of our business as well. PPDM works very well for PI/Dwights and our customers."
PPDM's Chairman invited further participation in the continued development of the Model: "To sustain and expand this business-driven value, more effort is required through the cooperative development process that has proven so successful." Volunteer work groups are now developing the Model in the areas of lithology and land contracts, as well as evolving architectural principles to exploit the latest enhancements in database technology. More info from
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