Essence Associates announces new version of the E&P Software Product Repository(January 1998)

The Software Product Repository is describedas an 'intelligent repository of information about software products in the oil andgas industry'. The repository relates software products to both business activitiesand information topics.

Levels of compliance to international standards such as POSC (Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation) and ISO STEP are also recorded. Version 1.2 has now been released and supplies information on almost 300 products from nearly 100 different vendors world-wide. A free demonstration database, containing a subset of the total information, is available from the web site. Alternatively, a CD version including a run-time MS Access license is available on request. Inclusion of product information is free to vendors while users of the repository are charged a corporate subscription fee. A minimum of two releases of the repository are planned per year.

To provide the necessary resources to support, develop and market the Software Product Repository, Essence Associates has formed an association with Brookeswood Computer Consultants (BCC). BCC provide, in addition to general consulting services, accredited training courses on the POSC Epicentre data model. BCC will be the first point of contact for Software Product Repository support, development, sales and marketing. More info on

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