23-25th February 1998, Houston Texas. Landmark (and GeoGraphix) Worldwide Technology Forum. "Vision in Action", case histories and technical presentations centered on Landmark's products and services. More from +1 847 384 7730, or in US 1 800 823 1542 and on 5th and 6th March 1998, London UK, First Conference's "Knowledge Management in the Oil and Gas Industry '98". The big-time E&P knowledge workers conference with case histories from Shell, BP, Texaco etc. and service side exposes from IBM, Arthur Andersen and Schlumberger. More from First on +44 171 404 7722 and http://www.firstconf.com.
20th-22nd April 1998. Philip C. Crouse and Associates Inc. 2nd International Conference of Petroleum Data Integration and Management. Wyndam Greenspoint Hotel Houston Texas. Sponsored and supported by the ubiquitous Geoshare Users Group, will include case histories from several oil companies. A short course on Geoshare use will be given by Bill Sumner - Independent Consulting Services on April 19th. More info from Philip Crouse and Associates on +1 214 841 0044 and crouse_phil@msn.com
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