Statoil – happy with Notes (December 1998)

Statoil is reportedly happy with itscompany-wide deployment of Lotus Notes Groupware – at least according to IBM!

Following on the heels of BP’s enthusiastic use of Microsoft Exchange (see PDM Vol 3 N° 11), Norwegian state oil company Statoil is understood to be similarly pleased with its company-wide implementation of IBM/Lotus Notes Groupware. Statoil started out with Notes in 1991 with the objective of having a unified messaging system throughout its world-wide organization. Today, Statoil is one of the 10 largest users of Notes in the world. 


A two year pilot project started in 1991 allowed Statoil to test out its first Notes server at the outcome of which, Statoil decided to go for company-wide deployment of both Notes and Lotus Smart Suite. Training was a priority as were the dual objectives of company-wide procedures and archives management. A bespoke application was developed for these which was subsequently re-sold to IBM. Significant savings in personnel time and transportation costs are reported. Hardest job, according to Statoil’s IT department was preparing users for the system which is said to have changed the way the company works.

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