Earthworks designer and indefatigable salesman Mark Sun will be teaming with Easton Wren to give a three day course entitled "Seismic Workstation Interpretation for Geologists". The course was designed at the behest of the CSPG to provide a "hands-on" introduction to the workstation world, tutorial-style, with walk-through explanations and demonstrations of how to start up, pick and map seismic events, calibrate seismic data with well control and define prospects with actual data sets. The advantages and limits of workstation interpretation will be discussed along with relevant aspects of acquisition and processing. The emphasis will be on the integration of geological insight with seismic data. The workstations used for this course will run the EarthWorks Exploration System. The course will held in Calgary on January 25-27, 1999. More from 1-888-263-2212.
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