Perestroika brings new SEG-Y loader and viewer to Coherence Technology Company.(December 1998)

A new product 'InSightful',originally developed by the FSU’s Central Geophysical Expedition (CGE) offerssimplified data loading and visualization of SEG-Y seismic data.

CTC Coherence Systems, a new division of Coherence Technology Company (CTC) is now marketing what is wordily named "CoherentVision InSightful". This 3D visualization technology reads standard SEGY data directly into visualization tools which feature rapid cube manipulation enabling "a quick understanding of the data". Rick Merrill, Manager of CTC’s new Coherence Systems division stated "The industry has been offered 3D visualization tools that are expensive, over-engineered, require data reformatting, and demand a small army of support personnel. InSightful is a deployable solution based on low cost, low-end system requirements, lightning-fast rendering speed and the ability to read SEGY data, thus dispensing with proprietary seismic data structures."


InSightful can rotate, zoom, and cut arbitrary lines and planes from any angle or side of the cube. It will also analyze up to three volumes of data at once, interactively cut a chair, a wedge, make data transparent or flatten a surface in the volume on the fly. CoherentVision products display on low-end graphics workstations or on a PC via X-window emulation. Devon Dowell, CTC's V.P. of Operations said, "We have been using InSightful internally as our visualization tool for almost a year and our Coherence Cube processing customers have been asking for this software. They have a big problem quickly loading and visualizing data. The market needs tools to rapidly visualize, select and QC data for high-grading."

Back in the USSR

CoherentVision was originally developed by the Central Geophysical Expedition (CGE), which was founded in 1967 as a specialized science and production center with headquarters in Moscow. CGE introduce digital recording along with seismic and geophysical data processing to the oil and gas industry in the Former Soviet Union (FSU). CGE has an estimated 15 man-years of development effort in CoherentVision. "CoherentVision InSightful" may be a bit of a mouthful but it is nothing compared with the intricacies of the marketing agreements behind this product.


Released originally as Dynamic View in the Commonwealth of Independent States (C.I.S.), the package is now in production use throughout the territory. CGE established a partnership with Dynamic Data Imaging, Ltd. (DDI) in 1997. DDI had the charter of finding a company in the west that could develop and deploy the technology. CTC obtained an exclusive license from DDI earlier this year to the source code and worldwide marketing rights for CoherentVision (outside of the C.I.S.). CTC Coherence Systems now develops CoherentVision in their new Dallas office. The agreement between CTC and CGE/DDI allows engineering resources to be exchanged and shared. Devon Dowell stated, "Although we purchased a mature product we feel there are technical advantages in leveraging CGE's talented group of programmers and physicists. We believe this exchange of ideas and sharing of resources is an innovative approach to software commercialization."

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