Steve Hawtin, Oilfield Systems Technical Director, claims "DAEX is being adopted to solve the challenge of data migration among vendor and proprietary stores. Eventually all vendors may build applications that have a single common data store. For the foreseeable future however, data will need to be transferred between stores. There is a significant business need to move OpenWorks project data to GeoFrame, RECALL log data to Epicentre, FINDER picks to proprietary mapping applications and countless similar exchanges. That is where DAEX excels! It is the only widely used vendor-neutral exchange mechanism and is finding application in E&P companies around the world". DAEX 4.0 includes, support for direct connectivity to Schlumberger GeoQuests GeoFrame database.
GeoFrame devkit at last!
Hawtin explains "Until now we have relied on the DAEX Geoshare interface to move data to and from GeoFrame. The release of the GeoFrame Developers Kit by GeoQuest earlier this year means that we are now also able to provide a direct GeoFrame link". DAEX 4.0 includes a link to CGG PECCs PetroVision database. This DAEX Link is highly strategic as companies adopt Epicentre technology to provide high value corporate stores. DAEX 4.0 also introduces the new link to Z&S GeoSciences RECALL database. Developed in co-operation with Z&S, and jointly marketed by the two companies, the DAEX RECALL Link provides a path for RECALL log data to be moved to any DAEX-linked application. "RECALL is becoming a de facto corporate store for log data so this is an important addition to DAEX" says Hawtin. More from
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