With the well database behind them, CDA is moving steadily towards its goal of a comprehensive National Data Repository for UKCS data. The current phase focuses on seismic shot point data and is made up of UKKOA positional data in P1/90 format for the majority of UKCS 2D seismic surveys, together with polygonal outlines of 3D surveys. The seismic data is presented graphically against a backdrop of well locations and cultural information. Access to the system is via a web browser-enabled GIS front end from MSI of Calgary. CDA users will now have a single view of all UKCS offshore seismic surveys and their current owners. Users will be able to drill down into the database to select and download navigation information for surveys to which they are entitled.
Seismics not on-line
No on-line access to the seismic data is planned for the moment, rather the system informs users where they can obtain copies of the seismic trace data. Users can also identify wells in an area of interest for the retrieval of log data through the existing QC Data Axxses application. Next year loading of 3D bin-grid and sail-line data will commence. The system has been delivered on-budget by QC Data (UK) Ltd. and its sub-contractors. PECC (a subsidiary of CGG of France) provided its PetroVision master data base and Stephenson & Associates consulted on entitlements matters. QC Data was responsible for overall project management and systems integration (with support from Hydrosearch) and engineered their Axxses system to include the additional seismic data functionality. The delivery of the navigation database represents the successful completion of the first stage of CDAs Seismic Phase. It is planned to enhance the system so that seismic trace data, stored in a number of distributed trace data management systems, can be accessed.
Cost cutting
The seismic navigation database was maintained until 1992 by the DTI, but cost cutting measures at that time meant that this work was suspended. Sorting out the entitlements of data acquired since then has been a major issue, and it is possible that some "black holes" may exist, particularly if the partners involved in a survey are not CDA members. The provision of the Petroconsultants seismic database was a valuable starting point for the project. Helen Stephenson of S&A told PDM "Just knowing what seismics is available is a big step forward for the UK Oil and Gas industry". The backdrop to seismic data visibility through CDA is of course the question of the availability of the data itself. When the current phase began, there was an assumption that regulatory changes in the UK would make seismic data public after a period of 6 years. The different stakeholders the DTI, oil companies and seismic contractors are still slugging this one out.
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