Dynamic Graphics Introduces EarthVision 5. (October 1998)

If there had been a meeting of the Society ofPetroleum Engineers in New Orleans, Dynamic Graphics, Inc. would have rolled outEarthVision 5 as planned. But hurricane Georges washed away Chandeleur Island and the SPEand rendered the introduction of EarthVision 5 an appropriately virtual event.

EarthVison 5 includes a Viewer for Windows NT which will provide well site engineers the ability to access geosteering tool data to track drill bit coordinates, using 3-D models. Models created for well planning, using well bore and interpreted seismic data, can be updated during drilling. A data access receiver for real-time MWD and LWD displays, rapid model updating, and a synchronized visualization capability all make for greatly increased drilling safety and accuracy. Improved communication between drill site and office location facilitates team decision making. "With drilling costs under more scrutiny than ever before, EarthVision 5 pulls together 30 years of software experience to deliver engineers a new tool for improving project performance," explains Art Paradis, president of Dynamic Graphics, Inc. More from http://www.dgi.com

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