StratiMagic Conference (October 1998)

Following the a successful SEG show,CGG’s StratiMagic now has a US based User Group. The inaugural meeting was held inHouston earlier this month.

StratiMagic was one of the hottest products on show at the New Orleans SEG exhibition last month. CGG has farmed out the marketing of this seismic interpretation plug-in to the new Flagship Geosciences subsidiary and they put on a good show, attracting more folks than we have seen on a CGG stand for a long time… well forever actually! Flagship followed up the SEG commercial presentations with a dedicated StratiMagic Conference in Houston earlier this month. This was the first user group meeting and first StratiMagic conference in the United States. Will Morse, Senior Systems Advisor with Anadarko and roving reporter to the Usenet sci.geo.petroleum newsgroup has allowed PDM to summarize his posting.


About 60 people including the Flagship and CGG personnel were in attendance and some 22 oil companies represented. James Thompson of BP Exploration was elected as chairman. Examples of real-world use of StratiMagic included the detection of shallow drilling hazards from seismic facies (BP). StratiMagic has recently benefited from CGG’s acquisition of GeoNexus ( GeoNexus founder George Palmer (the man behind the former Photon - SeisX seismic interpretation package) describes his company’s NexModel product as bringing "petro-acoustics" to Stratimagic. Up to now Stratimagic has focused on characterizing 3D seismic facies; the addition of GeoNexus will add modeling of velocity, fluid and rock properties, thickness, tuning effects, and other features that cause the observed seismic response.

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