42 licenses have been sold since the beginning of the year and CGG claim that the demand is accelerating. The latest release - version 1.5 is due for release in October and allows mixing of 2D and 3D interpretations and for the construction of zig-zag lines across all data on screen. Enhancements also include improved hierarchically arranged horizon name library and improvements to the Mixmap function which can now handle multiple layers in the same mix. An API will be offered to third parties later in the year to allow for data to be read and written to and from foreign applications. StratiMagic lives in symbiosis with Landmark's OpenWorks and a link to GeoFrame is scheduled. CGG have been promoting the product actively and have gone to the extent of sponsoring a special edition publication that explains the neural net technology behind the autopick routine in StratiMagic. But in a more colorful promotional offering, CGG are rumored to be offering a crate of champagne to anyone who believes that their present autopick routine is better than the Sismage neural net technology. Contact your local CGG rep for more details on the book and the champagne!
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