POSC/FOCUS E&P Knowledge management conference and exhibition.
23-24th September 1997, Oslo, Norway. Contact Carolanne Kaveney on +44 181 607 5954 or kaveney@posc.org.
World Oil's Second International Exploration & Production Information Management Conference
September 22-24, 1997 Marriott Westside Houston, Texas. More info from Gulf Publishing Company 1-800-231-6275 or 713-520-4430, csv@gulfpub.com.
Sony Data Systems Division is hosting "InterAct97/Focus: E&P"
conference in Houston.October 7th and 8th, Houston Texas. This half day event will be repeated at different times on the two days. Speakers include POSC's David Archer and representatives from Sun Microsystems and Ovation Data Services Inc. Contact Steven Alpert on (210) 930 65999 or steve_alpert@mail.sel.sony.com.
Expro97 Software
21-22nd October 1997. to be held at the Novotel International Centre London. Supported by PDM, this conference, subtitled "applying software to achieve optimal integration of all E&P data" has a day devoted to data management. The exhibition will host 40 plus vendors .
30th October 1997, The Centre for Marine and Petroleum Technology (CMPT) is to host a workshop on Sub Basalt Imaging in London's Barbican Centre. Presentation from Arco, Phillips, Schlumberger, Western etc. Contact Jane Kennedy, CMPT +44 1224 853440, j.kennedy@cmpt.co.uk.
PPDM Overview course
30 October 1997, Calgary - in association with the PPDM (Public Petroleum data Model) AGM. Course conducted by Corvelle Management Consultants, more info from Yogi Schulz on (403) 249-5255 or YogiSchulz@corvelle.com
Landmark European Symposium
18th-19th November 1997 to be held at the at the Royal Garden Hotel in London, UK. Contact +44 1932 832034 or slevans@lgc.com.