Prizm users can now
view and pick formation tops and exchange these with GES97
view multiple log tracks, log, linear, depth, lithologies and core descriptions
Perform on the fly log analysis
Depth shift and edit curve
View results in log, crossplot or report form
Generate filed summaries from curve data statistics
Use any of ten standard interpretation techniques, or customize their own
Filtering capability allows projects containing thousands of wells to be managed, allowing wells selected by a variety of criteria to be viewed, or one click batch processing performed using the Multi Well Processing feature. This month GeoGraphix will be releasing GES97 which will deliver enhanced deviated well functionality, expanded support for international map projections, open data access to the GES database, a new and improved security system and installation process, and much-improved pathways of integration with our other 16- and 32-bit products, including Resmap and SeisVision. ResMap allows engineering data to be incorporated into geologic interpretations and to be viewed in map form. ResMap 1.0 enables GES WellBase users to augment their well database with monthly production, injection, and pressure information.
Bubble maps
ResMap provides a quick means to view this data in a graph directly from a map and incorporate that information into geologic interpretations, property acquisitions/evaluations, and field operations. Earth Scientists will use ResMap to generate basemap display layers using bubble and pie symbols to further integrate production information into the GES mapping environment. ResMap also creates map layers within GES based on ARIES for Windows economic and reserves analysis package from Landmark Graphics. This feature provides the geologist the means to directly use an ARIES for Windows Access database as the source for production information and/or varying economic calculations as they pertain to each well, especially estimated ultimate recoveries (EUR) and cash flow. GES97 also paves the way for improved integration with Landmark's OpenWorks database. Through a combined Landmark/GeoGraphix effort, a Window 95/Windows NT utility is under development to allow the easy migration of well data between an OpenWorks project and a GES97 project. Using similar technology, PRIZM and SEISVISION will also be able to directly interact with GES97 well data.
GES97 enhancements include increased flexibility in its deviated wellbore calculations to include support for wells containing only surface and bottom hole information, S-shaped wellbores, and beyond-horizontal wells. Presentation now provides improved point-and-click navigation while in Well Info, Shotpoint Info, Cross Section Define, or Query Tool modes. Zoom or pan in query mode - allowing faster access to information from a map. 121 new international map projection systems including support for South America, Australia, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and the Philippines are now standard and other applications, such as Microsoft Excel and Access can be attached to the GES data files. This provides even greater data management and reporting flexibility for GES data using industry standard applications.
The GES installation has been made more flexible for client/server configurations and an improved security system using a Globetrotter software key and a license file is introduced. This provides greater flexibility in how GeoGraphix can provide secured software to best match our clients needs and configurations.
Real soon now
Validate your geological interpretations with pressure, volumetric, and production data
Accelerate acquisition and de-vestment decisions using the only software suite that integrates geological, engineering, and leasehold data onto a single map
Improve your production and operations decisions by viewing data spatially
Enhance your reservoir understanding by integrating engineering and geology
Monitor enhanced recovery projects such as water-floods, steam injections or CO2 to optimize your profitability
Together with GES, ResMap brings all your reservoir data together in one view. Does your geological data fit your production data? Are there specific production trends developing in your project area? ResMap lets you see your engineering data where it helps...on a map.
Property analysis
With ResMap, you can perform quick property acquisition analyses within GES. Simply select a well from a map and instantly display well and production data. ResMap accesses production data directly from major vendors' CD-ROMs. Post decline curves adjacent to the wells on your map. Quickly view remaining and ultimate reserves, in a multi-slice pie chart displayed on the map. Add a layer from LeaseMap that depicts your lease positions--and your competitors'--and then add a net sand isopach layer from IsoMap. Finally, you can own a system that enables true asset team integration by integrating all engineering, geologic, and lease data on a single map. ResMap "map enables" any numeric value residing in the ResMap Project database, including: net pay, oil saturation, porosity, gross pay interval, daily and monthly production, injection parameters, pressures, EURs, and volumetric parameters. ResMap will also connect directly to Aries for Windows to provide full mapping capabilities of Aries project data.
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