New release of Panther SDMS (June 1997)

Panther have announced a new release – version 2.0 of their Seismic Data Management System (SDMS).

SDMS Version 2.0 includes new functionality to manage native SeisWorks data in addition to SeisX, SEG-Y and GeoQuest (output). SDMS V2.0 focuses on data types primarily used at the workstation – clean online 2D and 3D post-stack seismic trace and navigation data. Tools are supplied to track, query, browsing using the SeisView component, and access the data for project building. Tools for seismic trace QC are integrated into SeisView allowing for the analysis of amplitude and phase, histogram plots, trace plots and examination of SEG-Y header information. Other functions include – inventory of duplicate versions of the same line/survey, statistics on on-line data volumes and usage, one-time data loading, offsite data access, drag and drop line selection. Finally SDMS is customizable to individual site requirements.

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