The company says the range of data import/export bridges and modeling tools has been increased and new functionality reflects both leading-edge algorithm development and expanding needs in project handling. The important new inclusion is a full cinematic flexural flow algorithm which, the company claims, represents a major step beyond existing geometric techniques. The algorithm is the result of a collaborative RB D project between Midland Valley and the University of Keele for the market-leading 3D analysis program 3DMove, supported by eight major oil companies and the UK Department of Technology and Industry OSO through the LINK program. The algorithms developed in the project are a full 3D approach to modeling rock deformation through flexural flow. A subset of these have been taken for 2D analysis in the redesign of 2DMove as an integrated part of Midland Valley's product range, centered around 3DMove.
This means that the 2D product is positioned to take full advantage of the new 3D technology and to maintain an evolving upgrade path with a workflow route into full 3D where required. 2DMove will be delivered as an upgrade to existing 2D software users, available on PCs, Sun and Silicon Graphics workstations. Maximum platform flexibility is provided with no cost portability and with network licensing. A new reduced price structure also means that networking, multiple seat and academic deals will increase access to the software at minimal additional cost to the end user. According to Midland Valley, the new 2DMove represents a major step forward in structural technology, integrating upwards to a full 3D capability and positioned in price and availability to suit academic and consulting groups as well as industry users.
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