CDA award first tranche of seismic phase to group led by PECC and Hardcopy phase to Spectrum. (May 1997)

CGG pulls off coup with Common Data Acces’ choice of PetroVision as data management system for the seismic data management phase of the UK Oil Industry’s shared data repository.

CGG PetroSystems must be feeling pretty pleased with their recent acquisition of Petroleum Exploration Computer Consultants (PECC) featured in the January PDM. Not only have they acquired an experienced service company, active in the currently active field of legacy data remastering, but their PetroVision data management product has beaten off stiff competition from IBM and GeoQuest to win the first tranche of the seismic phase of the Common Data Access Ltd. (CDA) project. Partners in this success are QC Data (already masterminding the Well Log Phase) and Stephenson and Associates. This tranche of the project calls for the establishment of a positional database for UK seismic and cultural data prior to another call for tender looking to populate the bulk seismic dataset.


Stephenson and Associates are to provide data loading services and are to address the thorny problem of entitlements. They intend to be pro-active in this so expect a visit soon. QC Data will provide secure access for CDA members to data in PetroVision through their AXXSES technology, already in use as the front end to LogDB in the well log phase. Meanwhile CDA and QCData have announced that Spectrum Energy and Information Technology has been chosen as preferred hard copy services provider for the cataloguing, rationalization and scanning of UK Continental Shelf well logs. The contract is to be issued by QCData who currently manage CDA'a digital well log system and who will enhance the current installation to incorporate the hard copy data provided by Spectrum.

6500 wells

The plan is for Spectrum to build up, over a two year period, a complete master hard copy of well logs and associated reports into the CDA database for the 6500 wells drilled on the UKCS to date. The anticipated payoff will be the rationalization of multiple copies of this data currently held by oil companies. It is estimated that there are currently 2 million items stored by oil companies working the UKCS, this should reduce to 250,000 items with the CDA project. At the same time a unique master hard copy dataset will be established. Cost and efficiency benefits of this rationalization are described as "significant". In addition to the establishment of the catalogue, Spectrum are to scan the rationalized hard copy dataset to produce a complete digital well log and report image database which will link in to the existing online index of digital well data maintained by QC data. Robertson Research will also be working on the project providing project data management expertise and also kick-starting the project by supplying scanned data from their own library of scanned images of key well logs and reports. This fast track should offer data delivery to CDA members shortly after project startup.

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