New Release (V3.0) of Geographix’ SeisVision (April 1997)

The wholly owned subsidiary of Landmark Graphics Corporation has just announced a new release of its SeisVision seismic interpretation software for MS-Windows based PC’s.

Prizm, SeisVision's sister product was featured in PDM in our special PC edition in September 1996. What is new in release 3.0 of SeisVision is the ability to integrate 2D data into a 3D interpretation. Also included are tools for loading data and tying different vintage surveys. Structural interpretation is also enhanced with the ability to flatten on a picked horizon, a must in pre-salt interpretation for instance. GeoGraphics, with the deference due to their parent company, state that "SeiVision complements Unix-based seismic interpretation workstations" but add that "complete integration" is achieved with their own brand "leading PC-based applications. LGC must be pretty pleased with their GeoGraphix acquisition, it gives them a foot in both camps, and must allow for stimulating inter brand competition within their organisation.

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