Petroleum Data Integration and Management to be held from the 16-18th June 1997 at the Houston Marriot Westside hotel. Dubbed the First International Conference on Petroleum Data Integration and Management Data Fusion Data Optimisation Applications, you might think that once you've read through the title, you don't need any more. Born out of the GeoShare User Group, but incorporating offerings from POSC and several case history type papers from oil co.s and others. More info from the organisers, Petroleum Network Educational Conferences, on (214) 220 9091, email
E&P Data Management '97 venue the Hotel La Reserve, Geneva Bellevue, Switzerland from 22-23rd May 1997. Subtitled "taking the stress out of data management" it is unclear whether this is a rest cure or a new way of doing business. Topics to be examined include the achievements of POSC, PPDM and data repositories, the creation and maintenance of a "quality" database, outsourcing and new technology. More info from Stephenson & Associates, +33 4 7576 0511 and
E&P Data Management, The Rica Hotel, Oslofjord, Norway, from 27 28th May 1997. Annoyingly scheduled as a head on clash with the EAGE in Geneva, this conference is presumably targeted at those who feel they are above such things. If you fit into this category, and want a heavy dose of POSC/CAESAR, contact IBC UK Conferences, +44 171453 2058, email and
Geoquest Forum97, Prague, The Czech Republic, 30th April to 2 May 1997. A single supplier conference, with a fair dose of data management, at least for Finder aficionados. Contact your local GeoQuest rep for more details.
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