"Another problem we have is the failure of Open Systems in the battle with Microsoft." John Sherman, Landmark, Houston 1996.
"Any GeoFrame application will run immediately on Open Works when Open Works is POSC compliant." Bertrand du Castel, Geoquest, Denver 1996.
"Better IT could mean savings of $3-5 billion." Michael Ring POSC, Amsterdam 1996.
"Current analyses using Rate of Return (ROR) on investment are flawed because if you do nothing, you may get infinite ROR. You get what you measure, if you measure cost savings, you end up with cheap systems." Bob Warren, Mobil, Houston 1996.
"DAE to Epicentre requires a 15 times expansion in the number of calls from a native application." Bertrand du Castel, Geoquest, Paris October 1995
"DISKOS was intended to be POSC compliant but this was not possible at the time". Gunnar Sjogren, Statoil, Amsterdam 1996.
"Don't archive on novel media!" Charles Hewlett, Lynx, London 1996.
"Don't let data specialists run the show!" Steven Spink, Getech, London 1996.
"Flexibility is the F word for data exchange and applications." Bill Quinlivan, Geoquest, Amsterdam, 1996.
"For the 6500 wells in the UKCS there are around 300,000 tapes & 3 million sepias. All this has cost around $50 million in reprographic and tape copying costs." Fleming Rolle, Paras, Houston 1996.
"In Norway, cumulative data acquired to date is 1 million magnetic tapes and 300 terabytes of data (through 1993)." Richard Koseluk, PGS, Houston 1996.
"Landmark rarely loses a sale because of lack of standards compliance". John Sherman, Landmark Graphics Corp., Denver 1996.
"Never replace your original data with a compressed version." John Kingston Geco Prakla, Amsterdam 1996.
"Non E&P standards bodies such as EDIFACT CALS AIAG/PI-STEP have all faltered through lack of support from end users. They fail because they promote connectivity, application interoperability and data exchange. They should promote the business case and business process." Jim Noble, Cap Gemini, Paris October 1995.
"POSC has tried to lift the discussion above the relational plane but has failed to come up with a decent object model." Albertus Bril, De Groot Brill, Amsterdam 1996.
"POSC Spatial model is wrong!", Bertrand du Castel, Geoquest, Paris October 1995
"POSC will go on forever, managing standards." David Archer, POSC, Paris October 1995
"PPDM is not Epicentre, this needs to be fixed!", Bertrand du Castel, Geoquest, Paris October 1995
"Preference will be given to POSC compliance in procurement policy." Bob Stevenson, Shell, Paris October 1995.
"Relational technology is not good enough for what you are trying to do." Doug Benson, Oracle Corp. Calgary 1996.
"Standards are about data management not data usage." Albertus Bril, De Groot Brill, Amsterdam 1996.
"The Data Management Trap - because Data Management doesn't make money, it doesn't get money." John Sherman, Landmark, Houston 1996.
"The ideal number of people needed to develop a data model is one." Helen Stephenson, Stephenson and Associates, Houston
"The 'logical' data model is one that is in a book, not one that is implemented." John Sherman, Landmark, Amsterdam 1996.
"The Network Computer is a castrated PC", Bernard Vergnes, Microsoft France, Paris 1996.
"There is a board level attempt underway to bring POSC & PPDM together. This could be a merger or redefined role to produce one model to enhance performance" Paul Maton, POSC Europe, London 1996.
"Total spend on E&P IT is estimated at $2 billion per year.", Bill Bartz, POSC, Paris, 1995.
"Use a database system to manage data, not to further database skills!" Steven Spink, Getech, London 1996.
"We are still looking for the Rosetta stone of Data Management." Steven Spink, Getech, London 1996.
"We believe very strongly in Discovery." David Archer, POSC, Denver 1996.
"We don't want data model's, we want integration." Anonymous user quoted by Stuart McAdoo, Denver 1996.
"We will probably never have a single data model, we'll still need a department of re-formatting for the next 10 years or so, what with versioning, tweaking by vendors and change. " Helen Stephenson, Stephenson and Associates, Houston
(On computer security) "For GECO the problem is that clients will not let Geco Prakla onto their networks! Passwords are no barrier to a determined hacker or saboteur." John Kingston Geco-Prakla, London 1996.
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