Erico has been a service provider in the North Sea for 24 years. Erico described their activity to PDM over the last 3-4 years as a move from vertical hierarchical drill-down through their data to a horizontal linkage across different datasets. PI (Erico's parent company since 1990) promote the P2000 relational database product as their flagship software. Unlike some competing products, P2000 imposes a large number of constraints and integrity checks on the data that goes into it. The downside of this is that because of the tests and other constraints of the data, loading can take quite a while. But the upside is that when populated, the database is clean and should be surprise-free from then on. P2000 is built around the PPDM data model, with extensions developed by PI. The domain focus is primarily well and stratigraphic data.
DTI dataset
A recent addition to Erico's product line is the DTI Scanned Image Database which is now claimed to be the most comprehensive database of its kind in the industry. Scanned composite, velocity and mud logs are available for all 2800 UKCS released wells. In addition scanned sonic and formation density logs are available for all wells released well since January 1997 and will shortly be available for all released wells. The data includes logs, seismic sections, engineering data and completion reports. These are scanned and indexed and represent around one million A4 pages and over 30 GB of data. Overall PI (Erico) has around 75GB of data online.
Web access
PI is convinced of the future of the web and browser technology as their data browsing and delivery mechanism of choice. A re-vamped website can be seen at allowing for browsing of header information with viewing of real data scheduled for early 1998. PI supply Arthur Andersen with their dataset for inclusion in AA's PetroView product. PI's development environment includes Oracle of course, Access, Visual Basic - in particular the MapInfo ocx, and the Norwegian product PixTools for bitmap viewing.
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