Both Dave and John are loaned from their companies to the CDA consortium, and they will soon be joined by a new appointee in the form of a full-time CDA Chief Executive Officer. This position will be advertised in the new year.
CDA has (finally) signed the contract for Hard Copy Services with lead contractor QC Data and subcontractors Spectrum and Robertson Research. This appointment, already announced back in May 1997, has been 6 months in finalizing as the detailed arrangements have been thrashed out with the subcontractors and the DTI.
Under this new contract, Spectrum will catalogue, rationalize and scan hard copy well logs and well reports from the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) as a service to CDA. The work to be performed under this contract will be carried out in the Department of Trade and Industry's premises in Edinburgh and is said to constitutes "a vital step in the management of oil exploration information resources and towards the fulfillment of the overall objectives of CDA". Over a two year period, Spectrum will build a complete master hard copy set of well logs and associated well reports to include the 7,000 wells drilled in the UKCS to date.
DTI enthuse
Rationalization of multiple copies stored by oil companies will allow 2,000,000 items of hard copy to be reduced to approximately 250,000. A unique and complete master hard copy data set will then be available, yielding significant cost and efficiency benefits.
In a letter to CDA, John Brooks of the DTI states "The DTI is enthusiastically behind the proposals of CDA to establish the hard copy initiative operations within the DTI Core Store in Edinburgh. The Department views this as an important project for the entire UKCS. The cataloguing and easy availability of data will prove crucial in the coming years as the industry looks for more subtle traps and innovative ideas." The system will become available to users approximately six months after the start of the project. At the start of the project, Robertson Research International Limited will provide a set of well log images and scanned reports from over 2,000 released wells in the UKCS. Robertson will also be providing their geological expertise to facilitate the project initialization.
30 members
CDA was originally formed as the Common Industry Data Access Initiative (CIDAI) consortium by over 30 UK-based Oil and Gas Companies to set up a shared repository for UKCS data. The principal objective of CDA is to establish a common, high quality store for UKCS primary petro-technical data; an objective which is fully supported by the Department of Trade and Industry. QC Data will manage the hard copy project, and will be responsible for the integration of the hard copy data into the existing digital well log system. QC Datas existing contract with CDA has been expanded to include the management of the hard copy well data.
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