IES upgrades Petromod and integrates IESX. (November 1997)

PetroMod 4.0 now collaborates with GeoQuest’s IESX seismic interpretation package.

This has been achieved using the IESX development kit which accesses IESX seismic project data directly. PDM asked IES why the integration took place at the application level rather with the GeoFrame environment. The answer was that IES began its integration work with the IESX developer's kit some time ago when that was all that was available to accomplish direct, binary integration with the key IESX project data: seismic traces, horizons, faults. It is only with GeoFrame 3.0 that GeoQuest has a toolkit which begins to provide what IES and others need to get at these data types. It is also true that IESX and Charisma customers will not be switching en masse to equivalent GeoFrame applications any time soon, so integration with the apps and data they will continue to use for some time will derive from the "old" toolkits. IES is however committed to GeoFrame development as well.

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