Petroleum connection offer from IBM (September 1996)

IBM announces PetroConnect, a Lotus-Domino based application for secure electronic commerce in the petroleum industry.

IBM has a new product based on the perception that rapid changes in petroleum industry trends require new network solutions. The petroleum professional requires easy access to company information as well as external information. They need to reduce their time spent finding resources and have the flexibility of acquiring data, services and products in a timely and efficient manner. They also need to be connected to project team members whether they be other company employees or in partner organizations and wherever they geographically reside.


IBM PetroConnect is a service that brings to the petroleum professionals new capabilities for staying current on news and events, searching for relevant research, statistical findings, cultural information, accessing digital databases - maps, surveys, well log, seismic data for acquisition - and collaborating with project team members through robust messaging and workgroup functions. Domino, Lotus' interactive web development platform, is the foundation for building IBM's PetroConnect, a web-enabled application for secure electronic commerce in the petroleum industry. PetroConnect was

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