Intel and the New Workstation Industry (September 1996)

Intel's Pentium Pro processor is likely to blur the boundary between PC's and Workstations.

As you will have gathered from other comments in this edition, today's top-flight PC's can successfully compete with the low to middle range of Unix based workstations. At the top end, things are rather different as high performance graphics subsystems, wide bandwidth processors and other specialised bits of technology push the workstation's capability beyond that of the PC. Nothing in the E&P business stays still for long and Intel is working with others in the industry to create a new generation of technical workstations based on the high performance Pentium Pro processor. Designed to integrate with existing scientific and engineering computing environments, Intel powered systems are said to provide all of the functionality and performance traditionally associated with workstations. With functionality equal to some of the most powerful systems available, including symmetric multiprocessing, integrated networking, powerful graphics, a broad range of compatible hardware and peripherals, and incorporation of key standards for interoperability, there is little doubt that they can meet the most demanding requirements. With the added benefit of a choice of two powerful 32-bit operating systems, Solaris* or Microsoft Windows NT*, users can readily configure a solution that meets their needs. This bet hedging between Solaris and Windows NT should be of particular interest to the Sun-dominated E&P sector. With a quite respectably

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