South-East Asia geology on CD-ROM (August 1996)

New digital atlas from Cambrian for exploration effort in South-East Asia

Cambrian recently announced the availability of a digital atlas compiled on behalf of CCOP member countries (an Intergovernmental Organization for promotion and coordination of geo-scientific programs in offshore and coastal areas in East Asia). This resource for companies exploring in East or South East Asia combines cultural information with a detailed play atlas (geologic, stratigraphic and hydrocarbon occurrence information for specific basins) and 15 sections plus more than 20 maps describing three main sedimentary units broadly based on regional disconformities. The units are described with respect to thickness (isopach), lithology and environment of deposition (paleo-environment).

GIS package

Cambrian has packaged these data with a GIS viewing and plotting tool and the maps are also supplied in number of commonly used formats (AutoCAD, DXF, Microstation, Arc Info) structured and attributed for integration with other proprietary data and maps sets. Cambrian has kindly supplied PDM with a review copy of this product.

We will be reporting on this in next month's edition. For more information please contact Phil Carpenter at tel: (44) 1291 673022, fax: (44) 1291 673023, via e7mail at or through the World Wide Web at

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