Paris venue for course on POSC basics (August 1996)

A series of courses on aspects of Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation (POSC) is being delivered this autumn at headquarters of the Ecole National Superieure du Petrole et des Moteurs (ENSPM), Rueil-Malmaison on the outskirts of Paris.

Lectures will be in English will be provided by Geomath International and Paras. One of the four day courses POSC: Epicentre Overview - Advanced Epicentre being held on 9-12 September and 5-8 November covers the concept of the Epicentre data model and presents an overview of the methodology, structure, dictionary and diagram knowledge. It includes navigation through Epicentre and shows how it facilitates data sharing and integration of disciplines in the E&P domain. The second part of the course builds on the core model which ties all the discipline models together. lt describes at length one topic, either geology or geophysics or production or reservoir information or well operations or E&P management/ organization (defined according to client requests).


POSC: Data Access and Exchange (4 days) being held on 15-18 October and 16-19 December offers fundamentals and key principles of developing applications and POSC software integration platform (sips) based on POSC specifications. Using examples and exorcises, the course covers the application program interface, architecture, Epicentre meta-model, EXPRESS language, data model, level access and exchange file access. Further information available from: ENSPM - Formation Industrie, Centre de Rueil, 4 avenue de Bois-Preau, B.P 311, 92506 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France. Tel: +33 1 47 52 67 10, Fax: +33 1 47 52 70 41.

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