Hot dates for data management (August 1996)

Well, we knew data management was hot, but six conferences in the same month (nearly). Sounds like panic stations.

Here's the list so far: -

The E&P Data Model Seminar, Stephenson & Associates - Houston August 27th - 29th. Contact S&A on Tel: +33 7576 0511, Fax: +33 7576 0512.

Geoscience Data Management Seminar, PESGB 19th-20th September 1996, London. Contact PESGB, 2nd Floor, Dover Street, London WlX 3PB. Fax: +44 171 495 7808.

Knowledge Working in the Oil and Gas Industry, PSTI /IBC Group 19th20th September 1996 in Aberdeen. Tel: +44 171 453 2712. Fax: 0171 631 3214.

Exploration & Production Data Management Conference, Gulf Publishing Company, 10-llth September, Houston. Tel: +1 713520 4430. Fax: +1 713 520 4433.

Stephenson & Associates are also holding E&P Data Management '96 on 23rd-24th September and E&P Data Model Seminar on 25th-27th September, both in London.

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