CGG objective (July 1996)

CGG stated its intention ‘to become a world leader in [E&P] database management’ as part of a major refocusing of its business strategy announced prior to a new rights issue.

CGG recently started the process of acquiring Petroleum Exploration Computer Consultants (PECC), a joint venture partner involved in data management, and is promoting the PetroVision Database Management product. PetroVision is currently being installed under a $1.5 billion World The application Bank Project in Algeria for the state oil company Sonatrach. Petrovision uses Emass D2 Data Tower with 5.6 Terabytes capacity for storage. The project involves transcription of over 100,000 tapes, and scanning of paper data together with vectorising of seismic and well logs. An existing well database is to be ported to the POSC Epicentre V2.0 data model.

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