Seismic rock properties software for AVO analyses (July 1996)

PetroSoft of San Jose, California has just released PetroTools 2.4, the latest version of its seismic rock properties software, now for Solaris and SUN OS.

The company says its X-windows and Motif package incorporates the science of rock physics in a graphical application that can work on well log data sets or at a single point with the unique and convenient "scratchpads". Users doing AVO analysis, 4D seismic, development geophysics or seismic modeling will find these tools useful, according to PetroSoft. Unlike standard petrophysics software, PetroTools apparently lets the user create "what if?" scenarios. For example, what if the porosity was lower, the clay content was higher or there was hydrocarbon in the zone? The resulting Vp, Vs and density curves from PetroTools can be exported to most popular AVO and synthetic seismic packages. PetroTools 2.4 also provides the best available estimates of shear wave velocity in complex lithologies, with or without hydrocarbons. supports metric and English (US) units Version 2.4 has ail new graphics with simple drag and drop plotting, graphical data editing and industry standard CGM or Postscript hard copy output. PetroSoft claims over.120 copies of PetroTools are now in use by over40 international E&P companies.

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