Landmark and Chevron join Midland Valley in modeling project (November 1996)

Midland Valley, the specialist in 3D structural modeling and validation, is working on a project with Landmark and Chevron to develop new work-flow methodologies for structural interpretation and validation of 3D seismic data, integrated onto a common workstation.

The new approach will allow the interpreter to move freely within both the seismic data cube and the evolving 3D structure model, enabling rapid identification and resolution of problematic areas concurrently with interpretation, according to Midland Valley. The project includes three key components: work-flow methodologies, software integration and a structural interpretation which will provide a rest bed and technology transfer vehicle. Data is being provided by Chevron, as operators of the Cabinda Association, with partners Sonangol, Agip and Elf. The data covers an area of complex extension and salt related deformation and will serve to fully test the technical and commercial impact of the project deliverables. At a software level, Midland Valley and Landmark are developing a very tight integration of 3DMove within Landmark's SeisWorks and EarthCube environment. This builds on the strategic partnership announced with Landmark last May. It is hoped that the new software will provide dynamic data links and crucial co-cursor tracking to make interpretation, modeling, restoration and validation a seamless process for mainstream interpreters.

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