Fresh focus for Cogniseis from new management team (November 1996)

Following last month's restructuring, Cogniseis' new management are getting to work on the new organization

You could be excused for being a little confused by the message coming out of Houston from E&P software developer Cogniseis. At the beginning of October the company announced a restructure, read job losses. But later in the month it was swinging back with its latest release of VoxelGeo, announcing it as the true 3D true volume interpretation system that allows geoscientists to interact directly with their data. The company has also been included in an advertising campaign to promote the GeoScience Corporation, the name used by US company Tech-Sym for its geoscience related group of companies Cogniseis, Syntron (seismic data acquisition manufacturer) and Symtronix (workstation specialist) led by Richard Miles, previously boss of Syntron. So what are we to make of it all'? Best answer seems to be that a new management team put in place earlier this year following the company's acquisition by Tech-Sym, has made its move to reposition the company, focussing on what it considers to be its core business.

Hiring now!

"Actually we are hiring staff at the moment", Richard Cooper, general manager of Cogniseis told PDM. "Obviously we regret having to implement staff reductions as part of this initiative. However, Cogniseis is operating in a dynamic and changing market. It is essential for us to maintain the status of our 'best of class' product offerings in seismic processing, volume interpretation and geological modeling while positioning these products to meet the future needs of the E&P industry." The four main components of the company's product drive in the future will be based on its well known Focus processing and imaging software, the SeisX surface-based interpretation system, the GeosSec geological modelling package and VoxelGeo (these last two the result of joint development with E&P industry consortia. In due course the whole product line will come under the label of TerraCube. CogniSeis has therefore put the spotlight on VoxelGeo 2.1.5 which it claims can render data faster and more accurately than any other

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