EnergySys’ vision, an ‘oil company in a box'

ODATA and web services API proposed route to patchwork of interoperable upstream applications.

EnergySys’ ‘Oil and gas company in a box’ (OGCB) is a vision for a ‘patchwork’ of cloud applications from which companies can pick and choose, building workflows for activities such as drilling, reservoir simulation and production data management. OGCB builds on a platform of office productivity applications, document management, finance and reserves management to which access historian data, analytics, asset tracking and CRM software for marketing and management of partners.

Behind the vision is a ‘checklist for the cloud’ which assures that applications are both data storage and infrastructure agnostic. Boxes to tick include a web services API and OData-conformant storage. Unfortunately ‘there is a shortage of quality cloud applications for oil and gas.’ EnergySys is hoping to change this situation and already, a ‘significant percentage’ of North Sea production data is stored in the EnergySys cloud. More from EnergySys.

This article originally appeared in Oil IT Journal 2017 Issue # 7.

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