Open source stuff ...

Madagascar seismic processing V2.0. gvSIG - free open source GIS online course.

A new major release (V2.0) of the open source Madagascar seismic processing package features 25 new reproducible papers and significant other enhancements including complete examples of seismic field data processing and enhancements to parallel computing. The Madagascar source repository is now on Github. New reproducible documents cover seislet-based component analysis, structure-constrained acoustic impedance, dip estimation and more. The previous 1.7 distribution was downloaded nearly 12,000 times.

The gvSIG association has published a free online course on learning GIS with open source software. The course covers GIS tools, concepts and terminology along with map making, working with projections, vector and raster data.

This article originally appeared in Oil IT Journal 2017 Issue # 7.

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