Statoil’s total uncertainty management program complete

Emerson/Roxar embeds results of multi-year R&D in commercial release of Tempest/Enable.

Emerson’s Roxar unit has completed its ‘Total uncertainty management’ program, a joint venture with Statoil that addresses history matching, uncertainty management and ‘quantification’ across the reservoir characterization workflow. TUM has informed major updates to Roxar’s Tempest/Enable history match application notably with the addition of ensemble Kalman-filter based history matching that is said to have given ‘a marked improvement’ in statistical accuracy.

Other TUM spin-offs include an application connector for chained workflows and the implementation of an ‘ensemble smoother’ that is ‘particularly successful in handling the production effects seen on 4D seismic.’ All TUM developments are now available in the commercial 8.0 release of Roxar Tempest. The joint venture has also enabled deployment of TUM methodology on clusters and in the cloud, said to be essential for larger integrated workflows. Roxar’s Kjetil Fagervik said, ‘In field development plans, investment or divestment proposals, accurate forecasting, uncertainty and financial risk management are some of the industry’s greatest challenges.’

This article originally appeared in Oil IT Journal 2017 Issue # 6.

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