Fiber optic sensing association announced

New industry body to promote emerging technology with technical library.

Fiber optic specialists including Astro Technology, Corning, Fotech, OFS, Omnisens and OptaSense have launched FOSA, the Fiber optic sensing association. FOSA’s goal is to educate industry, government and the public on the benefits of fiber optic sensing technology. Fiber optic sensing is described as an ‘emerging technology’ that uses light to remotely measure acoustics, temperature and strain. The technology is used to detect pipeline leaks, vehicular and foot traffic, digging and unsafe temperatures. Fiber optics are used today to monitor thousands of miles of power lines, pipelines, international borders, critical infrastructure and facilities.

FOSA executive director Thomas Cohen said, ‘This new organization will educate key players in all sectors and promote awareness of fiber sensing technology to help accelerate the use of this critical technology.’ For more on fiber use cases see the FOSA technical paper repository.

This article originally appeared in Oil IT Journal 2017 Issue # 5.

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