Review, ARMA Glossary 5th Edition

American Records Management Association on records management and information governance.

The American Records Management Association published the 5th edition of its Glossary of records management and information governance terms* in 2016 and kindly provided Oil IT Journal with a review copy. The Glossary is a 78 Page document that targets records management personnel with succinct (sometimes very succinct) definitions for terms that span, information technology, records and information management (RIM), legal services and business management.

Is there a place for such a published Glossary in the world of Wikipedia? On the one hand Wikipedia provides much more breadth and depth to definitions. On the other hand, breadth can be a nuisance when confronted with multiple usages.

The ARMA glossary will help those working in a RIM environment home-in on a usage that is likely to be relevant to them, especially for ARMA-specific terms like the ‘International information governance maturity model’. But while such terminology is accompanied by useful cross-references as hyperlinks to other points in the glossary, it comes up short with no links to authoritative sources of information elsewhere on the web. This, for the IGMM by the way is here.

* ARMA International TR 22-2016.

This article originally appeared in Oil IT Journal 2017 Issue # 2.

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