Yokogawa releases enterprise pipeline management solution

'IT-friendly’ standards-compliant Scada monitoring.

Yokogawa Corp. has announced an enterprise pipeline management solution (Epms), the product over 20 years of experience. Epms sits on top of multiple Scada platforms, providing monitoring, alarms, trends and reporting. The system is based on Yokogawa’s ‘IT friendly and secure’ enterprise operations platform (EOP). To cater for different pipeline systems and operational philosophies, Epms exposes templates and functions that can be modified without having to call in the specialists.

The Epms embeds multiple standards from the API and ISA for compliance with the US PHMSA and other regulators. Leak detection, volume balancing and hydraulic profiling techniques are used to detect possible integrity violations. More from Yokogawa.

This article originally appeared in Oil IT Journal 2015 Issue # 6.

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