Altair recently revealed the extent to which its PBS Professional workload manager and job scheduler for high-performance computing (HPC) has penetrated the oil and gas vertical. On the fluid flow front, Computer Modeling Group’s has integrated PBS with its Imex/Stars reservoir simulator line up. PBS is also embedded in Emerson/Roxar’s Tempest simulator and reservoir engineering software suite. Rock Flow Dynamics’ tNavigator supports PBS and Schlumberger offers PBS Professional support to users of its Eclipse simulator flagship.
PBS has take-up in seismics, Paradigm has integrated its Echos seismic processing and imaging system with PBS Professional. Finally, Petroleum Experts (Petex) now supports PBS Professional in its Resolve master controller of simulations spanning multiple, third party reservoir, process and pipeline transient simulators. Petex’ Integrated Production Modeling system also uses Altair’s HPC tools.
Altair CTO Sam Mahalingam observed, ‘Oil and gas operators rely on PBS Professional to gain more efficiencies from their computing investments and HPC end-user software developers recognize that supporting PBS Professional will improve their implementations.’ More from Altair.
This article originally appeared in Oil IT Journal 2014 Issue # 11.
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