National Data Repositories 11, Kuala Lumpur

Petronas-hosted event provides snapshot of NDR deployments around the world.

The 11th edition of the Energistics-sponsored, National Data Repositories (NDR) gathering was hosted by Petronas in Kuala Lumpur earlier this year. In this brief report we have grouped the submissions (to the best of our ability) by the main supplier involved.

Oldar, the oil data library of the Azerbaijan Republic was delivered by Fugro Data Solutions earlier this year and is currently under further development. Oldar provides data to entitled users within Socar, the state oil company.

Columbia’s E&P information service (EPIS) is run by local service providers Colosoft and Geoconsult using software (Whereoil) from Kadme. The 72 terabyte geoscience NDR is owned by the regulator the Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos. A second ‘Production Monitor’ database is under development by Schlumberger.

Norway’s Diskos, the granddaddy of all NDRs is currently operated by Landmark using its PetroBank software (originally developed for Diskos.) The very mature deployment (Diskos started out in 1995) now holds some 320 terabytes of data. Suriname’s Staatsoile operates an OpenWorks repository alongside the iGlass seismic data management system from Kelman (now Katalyst). Pakistan’s Petroleum E&P data repository (PPEPDR) is likewise a PetroBank-based solution extended with LMKR’s Exploration Management System, a multi-user desktop GIS and data management application. LMKR also manages the PPEPDR which started in 2001 and is now a 22 terabyte data set.

In the Schlumberger camp, we have Algeria whose Alnaft NDR is under development leveraging ProSource and the Seabed data model. The Nova Scotia offshore petroleum board’s data management centre is run by Schlumberger under a service contract. The ‘small’ data center nonetheless holds over 3 terabytes of log curves, images and seismic data. A hardware and software refresh is scheduled for March 2013. South Africa’s Petroleum Agency also deploys Schlumberger’s technology—Finder, LogDB and AssetDB—along with the LaserFiche document management system. The UK’s 20 terabyte Common Data Access NDR for offshore data is currently under Schlumberger management while the onshore UKOGL database is run by Lynx.

Other presentations either did not name a particular software provider or implied at least that theirs were in-house developments. Several of these (like Uganda’s Crane E&P database) are home brew developed on Microsoft Access, SharePoint and other off-the-shelf software. Some (Ghana, Kenya) have support for an upgrade path from Norway’s Petrad.

2013 looks to be an interesting year for providers of NDR products and services as Brazil’s ‘BDEP’ NDR is due for a major technology refresh (the tender is out). Meanwhile, Mexico’s National hydrocarbons commission (CNH) appears to be wrestling control of state data from Pemex with a legal mandate for a new E&P data base—currently a Microsoft SQL Server pilot with plans for a business intelligence platform.

Holland’s ‘Dino’ national subsurface data centre is likewise subject to new legislation that promises open access from a Dino 2.0 next generation register of subsurface data integrating with the country’s eGovernment systems. Visit the NDR home page here.

This article originally appeared in Oil IT Journal 2012 Issue # 12.

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