Folks, facts, orgs ...

Simmons, CGGVeritas, Aker, Aramco, CiSOft, Cortex, Devon, Energistics, FMC, Fusion, PII, GE, Global, GSE, Halliburton, IBM, OFSPortal, Petrosys, PPDM, Ryder Scott, Westheimer, Wipro...

Mat Simmons has left Simmons & Co. to spend more time at his new home, The Ocean Energy Institute, following differences over the Macondo blowout and over the potential of US shale gas.


Lammert Hoeve is to head-up AuraPortal’s European HQ in CJ Houten, Holland.


CGGVeritas has opened a Technology Center in Rio de Janeiro and has signed a three-year technology agreement with Petrobras for 4D seismic processing, imaging and reservoir geophysics.


Simen Lieungh is stepping down as president and CEO of Aker Solutions. CFO Leif Borge is interim president and Chairman Øyvind Eriksen CEO.


Khalid Abubshait is executive director of Saudi Aramco’s Affairs unit and Nasir Al-Naimi is executive director of Pipelines, Distribution and Terminals Operations.


USC CiSoft students Nelia Jafroodi and Brittany Daniels have been hired by Chevron.


Cortex Business Solutions has added John Hubinger of Oracle, Brian Frank, deputy COO of BP, and former chief of staff to the Premier of the State of Alberta Rod Love, to the Cortex Advisory Committee.


Devon Energy president, John Richels, has been appointed CEO. Co-founder and chairman Larry Nichols continues as executive chairman.


Energistics has named Executive VP of Business Development, Jerry Hubbard, COO. He will be responsible for operations, financial management, human resources, marketing and communications.


James Smith, Chairman of Shell UK, has been elected President of the UK Energy Institute.


FMC Technologies has appointed Johan F. Pfeiffer ,Vice President, Global Surface Wellhead. Pfeiffer has been with FMC since 1993 and was currently General Manager, Subsea Eastern Region.


Fusion Petroleum Technologies Inc. has appointed Richard Koseluk as President and COO with responsibility for the U.S. service operations.


PII Pipeline Solutions’ Calgary inspection services facility is now headed by Michel Hoyeck.


GE Oil & Gas has opened a $6 million technology center in the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Global Industries has appointed Ashit Jain COO and Jim Osborn (formerly with Worley Parsons’ IntecSea unit) as Chief Marketing Officer. President Pete Atkinson is to retire in March 2011.


GSE Systems has named former President of MXL Industries, James Eberle, as COO.


Abdallah S. Jum’ah has been named to Halliburton’s board. He is former president and CEO of Saudi Aramco, and serves on the JP Morgan Chase advisory council. Greg Culp heads-up the company’s new $15 million oilfield equipment test facility at its Duncan, Oklahoma Manufacturing Center.


IBM and the Brazilian government have engaged in a public private partnership to investigate oil and gas exploration, logistics and safety.


Michael Mueller, formerly with BP, has joined MicroSeismic as Chief Geophysicist.


Intelligent grid software provider Nexant has opened a new office in Bahrain headed up by Graham Hoar, Director-Middle East.


OFS Portal has elected Charles Currie (Schlumberger), Nicholas Gee (Weatherford), and Jerry Lummus (Cameron) to its board.


Nadene Sayer is the new head of marketing at 1Spatial.


CDP Inc. is offering free online safety training to smaller oil and gas companies and vendors.


Andrew Weller has joined Petrosys as a Support and Training Geoscientist. Banu Panjateharam and Siau Ch’ing have joined the Kuala Lumpur office.


Coreworx, RigData, Sinfic Venture IM have joined the PPDM Association.


Senior VP Herman Acuña has joined the Ryder Scott board. Miles Palke has joined as senior PE, Eleazar Benedetto-Padronas as petroleum geoscientist and Hugo Armando Ovalle as PE.


SeisWare has welcomed Jim Lingley and Oscar Skaer to its sales team.


Senergy has recruited Andrew Sutherland and Stuart Walley to its Middle East team. Both were formerly with Paradigm.


Tieto has established an Energy Components centre of excellence for oil and gas in Russia.


Westheimer Energy Consultants (WEC) has hired Chris Hughes, Ken Gauld, Gary Lundeen, Mike Dougherty Tom Ripley, Jess Kozman, Ayana Redwood and Laurence Modeste.


James Lawnin and Mark Allen have joined Wipro Technologies’ global energy practice. Both hail from SAIC.

This article originally appeared in Oil IT Journal 2010 Issue # 6.

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